Therapy for Work Stress and Burnout

You’re just going through the motions, you cannot answer another email or phone call, you are afraid to become obsolete at work because you feel like you need to be on all of the time. You feel powerless and stress feels like it is following you everywhere you go. Does this sound familiar?

Stress… a familiar but unwelcome friend

Woman who looks stressed staring out a window at the Chicago skyline representing someone who is burned out from overwhelming work stress and seeking therapy.

Stress is a common response we all experience. Similar to anxiety, stress can actually be helpful. It pushes and motivates us to meet goals and do all sorts of cool things. Positive stress allows for building resiliency, growth, bonding with others, and increases alertness and performance. All pretty important for us to have full lives. But… what happens when stress becomes too much?

If stress doesn’t let up and you’re feeling negative, exhausted, detached, and frustrated with your work or role you may be on the road to burnout. Burnout is chronic and prolonged stress. And burnout can appear in several areas of life like parenting, caregiving, athletic, and creative burnout.

Stress and burnout are rough and entirely too common. Burnout shows up in most fields of work including in medical professionals, other helpers, entrepreneurs, educators, and even artists. If you’re experiencing burnout, it may feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but counseling can help you find your way. In counseling, you and your therapist can figure out how you got where you are, tools to help you cope in the meantime, and the best way forward. You can start feeling fully engaged in all areas of your life one counseling session at a time.

Common symptoms of work stress and burnout


  • Over-engagement: Attempting to take on more than you can handle

  • Overreacting in emotions

  • Feeling like everything has to be done right away, or being hyper-focused on a task

  • Loss of energy

  • A weakened immune system, headaches, muscle tension, and stomach aches

  • Symptoms of anxiety


  • Distancing yourself from your troubles

  • Feeling like nothing you do makes a difference or is appreciated

  • Experiencing feelings of helplessness or powerlessness

  • Caring about your home life or work life seems like too much work or a waste of time

  • Loss of motivation and an increased feeling of exhaustion

  • Psychological and social difficulties become noticeable

  • Symptoms of depression

Photo of wooden blocks with the words "manage stress before it manages you" representing how counseling can help you manage work stress and prevent burnout.

Our therapists can help With Work stress and Burnout

Have you ever heard of the spoon theory? Let’s assume you haven’t. So, every day you wake up you have ten spoons. These spoons are a metaphor for the mental and physical energy you have available for daily activities. With these ten spoons, you have to complete all tasks you have throughout the day. Get out of bed- 1 spoon; shower and make breakfast- 2 spoons; work- 4 spoons; make dinner and get ready for bed- 2; with one spare spoon left for you to get to bed. With work stress and burnout you have very little or no more spoons left.

At Obsidian Counseling, our therapists understand how hard it can be to wake up every day with no spoons left. Our counselors are trained to help you find those spoons, one at a time, to get you to a place where you feel you have the emotional and physical energy you need to be the best version of yourself.

Photo of a black female hand resting on a work desk in a meditating position representing someone who has learned to manage work stress and overcome burnout in the Northern suburbs of Chicago

Begin therapy for work stress and burnout in Northbrook, IL

If you are ready to begin your therapy journey with a team that is committed to supporting your work journey, our therapists are ready to help. The team at our Chicago, IL area therapy practice believes you deserve to have your feelings validated and find new ways to manage that stress. Help is available. Our therapy services are available online in Illinois as well as in-person in Northbrook. Take the steps below to get started.

  1. Fill out a consult form here.

  2. Meet with a work stress therapist to see if Obsidian Counseling is a good fit for your needs.

  3. Find freedom from burnout and purpose once more.


When you work with a therapist at our counseling practice in the Chicago, IL area, you will be met with compassion and authenticity. The team at our therapy practice feels honored to help guide folks along their healing process. Specifically, our therapists help people with anxiety, depression, trauma, and parenting stress. Additionally, we value the unique experiences of highly sensitive people and LGBTQIA+ folx, and we help them in navigating their identities and circumstances that arise. All of these services can be provided as online therapy in Illinois. We hope that you take the leap to begin your healing journey with our team of specialized therapists.