Playful Tips From An Online Therapist Suggesting Recess for Adults

“A laughing body is an inhospitable host to negativity and stress” (Beilock, 2017).

 Take a moment to think about the last time you went outside for a scheduled recess in school. The excitement of getting out of the fluorescent lighting and into the outdoors for unstructured play until the ring of the bell or the call of a teacher summoned you back inside. It's hard for me to remember myself. However, my 7th and 8th-grade middle school no longer had a playground, so I think that the scheduled play time started to ween off around that time.

The “Guilty Pleasure” That is Play For Adults

Sand toys scattered on sand representing the forgotten play time for adults and resulting anxieties that parent therapy in Chicago, IL can address through online coaching. 60062 | 60015

As adults, we rarely get time out of our schedules specifically for play as adults. Instead, it's something we must seek out. Play is often seen as childish, unproductive, and petty and often is vailed with terms such as guilty pleasure. Why must childishness be viewed as a negative? Tamis-LeMonda suggests that children have the right idea when it comes to playing. She states,

 “They live in the moment. There doesn't have to be a final goal, and they play for the sake of play. The truth is, play is being joyfully immersed in the moment, and as adults, we rarely do that."


Can Play Benefit My Life?

This is true! Being fully immersed in the moment has excellent mental health benefits, as does play. Here are just some of the benefits of incorporating more play into your life:

  • Releases endorphins -happy chemicals- that make you feel good and elevate your mood

  • Decreases stress levels

  • Improves brain function

  • Improves your relationships

  • Stimulates your mind

  • Boosts activity

  • Increases Energy

What is Play?

Play is often challenging for people to pin down because it is not something that is precisely defined. Play is a mindset and a process rather than one form of activity. Play is voluntary and pleasurable. This is key to understanding why play looks different from person to person. For example, art is a form of play for many individuals; however, if one is commissioned to make a specific art piece for their occupation, this may move the activity outside of the realm of play for the professional artist. Another example is a soccer player playing for the game's challenge, enjoyment, and community versus a soccer player whose sole goal is to win.

Abstract art in colors of blue, red, orange and white representing a type of play an adult can engage in and the forgotten play time for adults which results in anxieties that parent therapy in Chicago, IL can address through online coaching. 60062 |


Play is the mental approach to activities. The mindset of play often includes wanting to have fun and connecting to joy; the activity will look different from person to person.


A Very Short List of the Endless World of Play

Still, feeling stumped? Here are some ideas for play:

  • Play games

    • Board Games

    • Sports

    • Try creating games with those around you

      • A race to the end of the block

      • A game with a ball

      • Have a dance battle

Couple having fun together representing using play to combat stresss and anxiety. Working with an online therapist can help you develop healthy coping skills. Learn more here.
  • Carve time out for a hobby

    • Crafts

    • Music

    • Photography

    • Collecting

  • Schedule time in a park

  • Joke with strangers

    • At the bus stop

    • In the checkout line

  • Play with a pet

  • Try a new recipe

  • Solve puzzles

  • Play with young people

    • Since we are borrowing a mindset from children, sometimes it helps to play with them to remember what it’s like

  • Be present

  • Do something fun with others

I can go on and on; think about what play looks like or can look like for you in your life.

The Benefits of Play; The Three C’s

Yolanda Tyler describes the benefits of play using three C’s:

Adults playing ping pong as a coping skill for maintaining positive mental health. Online therapy in Chicago can equip you with the skills to truly engage and enjoy life. Read on!


Play can strengthen our relationships, aid in developing the community, and strengthen our social wellbeing. Play in a community can take many forms, such as a game night with friends, a sports league, arts and crafts, and so much more. Early on, play is one of the first ways we connect with others; when we were younger, we would ask if we could "go play" with our friends. However, over time that language changes, thus removing the emphasis on play. Play reminds us of cooperation with others. There are rules that the community agrees upon to create the spaces in which the play can exist. Play and laughter are essential in building strong and healthy relationships.



Play fosters an environment for one to be creative and problem-solve. Through play, our brain can explore new pathways that can lead us to different solutions, ways of thinking, and empathy that would not otherwise be possible without it. Play allows for a safe space to explore and think differently; this is essential to working and daily life. Seems counterintuitive, right? Sometimes to move forward when I'm stuck at work, I need to take a break to play. You might think you do not deserve it; however, setting up time in your day to think differently outside of the work context may just be your way forward.


Cognitive Development

 As previously mentioned, play has been proven to improve brain function, stimulate your mind, and decrease stress levels. Through play, we can strengthen our thinking skills, as well as how to put various skills into practice. Empathy is another skill that is often practiced through play. Through play, one can experience a wide range of emotions in a protected environment, and those emotional regulation skills can translate into one's daily life.

Men playing the guitar on the street enjoying their hobby as a way to process and effectively deal with stress. Oline therapy can help you embrace your playful side and reconnect. Learn more here.

Have I Convinced You To Play Yet?

Long story short, there are so many different reasons that one may benefit from play. While the amount of play each day may vary, a good goal is to incorporate a playful mindset in your day-to-day. Incorporating play into your daily life is an investment in your overall mental and physical well-being. Play is for everyone and most certainly is not a waste of time. So, the question is: What will your “recess” look like?


Self-care and mental health are connected; sometimes, parental stress or burnout may become big enough that it may be hard to overcome on your own. In this case, it may be helpful to seek counseling. That’s why Bailey Seymour, Ilyssa Lasky, and the online therapists at our therapy practice based in Chicago, IL, offer therapy directed at increasing your confidence and helping you learn to play again in Illinois via online therapy. We want to help you connect with yourself and begin healing from the comfort of your own home. Take the steps below to get started.

1.     Fill out a consult form here.

2.     Meet with a therapist to see if online therapy is a good fit.

3.     Start connecting with yourself and experience the healing you deserve!


When you work with a therapist at our counseling practice in the Chicago, IL area, you will be met with compassion and authenticity. The team at our therapy practice feels honored to help guide folks along their healing process. Specifically, we help people address anxiety, trauma, and work stress. One of our more unique services is yoga therapy, which can also be done using online sessions. We also specialize in supporting LGBTQIA+ folks for a variety of issues. We hope that you take the leap to begin counseling with us. You deserve it.


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